Everything in the world revolves around money. Financial ignorance can flip your life upside down. Sadly, Financial literacy is not taught in mainstream education or otherwise. The number one problem in today's generation and the economy is lack of financial literacy.

We at BMY Capital are keen on developing Financial Literacy Programs for Families.

In India financial literacy is very low even among educated individuals. The ever-growing complexity in financial products and their relevancy to an individual’s personal financial journey is getting deeper. Individuals and Families need a basic level of understanding to know what is going on with their finances. For that, they need to be educated. We have designed a Financial Literacy Program for them called ‘Romance with Finance’. This program is aimed at imparting a good understanding of the basics of Personal Finance.

As a natural extension of our professional experience, we came to an understanding that kids are an essential ally in the management of Family Finances. ‘Money For Kids’ program is developed by us to educate school-going kids.

Our Financial Literacy program designed to make the learning experience memorable and practical. Financial literacy helps you make sound financial decisions. Be smart, get educated about personal finances from the experts in the field.


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